Weather in Budapest

Weather in Budapest

Budapest belongs to the continental climate zone, within which visitors can expect wet continental, ie rain-rich weather. Our climate is characterized by warm summers and not too cold winters. Both spring and autumn are relatively well separated from summer and winter.

January is the coldest month and July is the warmest.

The average annual rainfall in Budapest is 533 mm. Most precipitation can be expected in early summer and late fall, however, mid-winter, early spring, and early fall are considered much drier.



In the coldest months, temperatures can often drop well below -10 degrees. Even in the hottest days, the temperature reaches 4-5 degrees, which is relatively pleasant. The weather can be considered particularly rainy in this case, but instead of mostly snow, tinny rain makes traffic difficult during this period.



One of the wettest months of the year. Most of the snow in Hungary typically falls in February. Although the temperature starts to rise this month, a temperature drop of up to 15-20 degrees due to a cold front is not uncommon.


The first rays of spring also arrive in mid-March, but the average temperature can only occasionally reach 10 degrees Celsius. The number of hours of sunshine increases exponentially and the amount of precipitation is also significantly less during this period. It is also not uncommon for a sudden 1-meter snow cover to cover the landscape overnight.


In recent years, surprises abound in the already whimsy of April. Easter was such a year that we were greeted by falling snow. The maximum daily temperature can still be as high as 16 degrees Celsius, but more and more precipitation can be expected at this stage of spring.



In May, the coming summer is becoming more and more noticeable, and the days are getting longer, which is a perfect opportunity for trips, but May is the second wettest month of the year, so the temperature of 20-22 degrees should not deceive anyone at any time. thunderstorms or showers.



June is a month of thunderstorms and thunderstorms. Most rain falls this month throughout the year. However, the beach season may begin in July, with temperatures mostly rising well above 24 degrees Celsius and not even falling below 15 degrees at night.


The raging summer season. The heatwave typically greets us in late July and the temperature stays above 30 degrees for weeks. However, the sparkling sunshine is sometimes interrupted by raging clouds, but the scorching heat does not bring relief, but it does result in extremely high humidity.


From July the weather is slightly different. By the end of August, the scorching heat is easing, and by the end of the month, the UV radiation will be significantly reduced, so you can spend much more time in the sun. But it is just as rainy and rich in showers, thunderstorms and storms as July alone.



September is characterized by a long, pleasant Native American summer. It is a great opportunity to go hiking and sightseeing during this period, as the amount of precipitation drops drastically, while the temperature stays around 20 degrees Celsius.



October is already showing that winter is coming here soon, and the hitherto pleasant temperature of around 20 degrees will drop permanently to 13-14 degrees, which will make a noticeable big change. The days will start to shorten in October, so we can enjoy the sun for only 186 hours throughout the month. After February, this is the least rainy month in Hungary.


For the first time in the first month of winter, we can feel the negative effects of darkness on our well-being. The number of hours of sunshine is only 69. It dawns late and by 4pm you have to light a lamp in the rooms. However, one of the driest months, with the least rainfall, falls in Hungary.


Year after year, white Christmas lags behind in Hungary, due to the extremely low rainfall and the surprisingly high temperature, which has been observed in Hungary in recent years. Temperatures are expected to be around 4 to 0 degrees this month.